
Are you considering having bariatric surgery but not sure what to expect?

One of our lovely clients, Gracelyn wanted to share her weight loss surgery experiences with others, so we agreed to help! Here she shares why she decided to have surgery, how a dietitian can help the process and how her life has changed post-surgery. Please encourage her with your feedback.

Are you considering having bariatric surgery but not sure what to expect?

One of our lovely clients, Gracelyn wanted to share her weight loss surgery experiences with others, so we agreed to help! Here she shares why she decided to have surgery, how a dietitian can help the process and how her life has changed post-surgery. Please encourage her with your feedback.

1. How long ago did you have weight loss surgery, and what led you to the decision to have the surgery?
I had my surgery on 7 March 2015. I have been overweight for the last 20 years and wake up every day feeling unwell. I had high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and was informed by my cousin 5 years ago that Bariatric Surgery would be a good way to control these diseases. It did take me 5 years to make the decision to do the surgery as it is such a big step.

2. How did you find the experience leading up to it, and the procedure itself?
Once I had made the decision to go ahead with the surgery, I could not wait for the Surgeon to set the date. The experience leading up to it was a bit daunting. The diet took a bit of getting used to, but once you are committed and you know your goal, it becomes really easy. The procedure went really smoothly for me. Recovery was fast and I was back at work after 2 weeks.

3. How has your lifestyle or outlook changed since having the surgery?
My lifestyle has changed dramatically. I no longer take my blood pressure medication and have reduced my diabetes medication. I have more energy and do not feel lethargic. I can also think clearly now. Since losing almost 20kgs, I have been active and my whole outlook on life has improved. I no longer feel depressed or sleep for long stretches of time.

4. What do you think are the pros and cons of the surgery?
The pros are not waking up like my life is slipping away quickly. Reduced medication, better chance at life, able to deal with situations clearly, wearing clothes that have not fitted me for a long time, comments from family and friends on how good I look.
The cons are – remembering to eat the way I’ve been taught and if I don’t get enough fibre I get constipation.

5. What advice would you give to others who are considering the surgery?
The surgery worked for me as I took my time making the decision to go ahead with the surgery. Make sure you educate/empower yourself with all the information on the websites so you are prepared for this change and also see a dietitian who understands what youa re going through. Talk to other people that have had the operation so they can share their experiences. Be prepared and understand that this is a life time choice and old habits will have to change. Make sure the decision is yours and you stay positive about the procedure you are going to undertake and that it is not a quick and easy path – to the operation and after. Be ready for the changes in your life. Good luck with your decision and I am sure you will not regret it.