Women’s Health
So often women put everyone else’s needs before their own, but if you’re not healthy, you won’t have the energy to help others. Discover how to revolutionise your health with the right diet so that you can live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Hormonal Issues & PCOS
Do you struggle to maintain a healthy weight? Are you always tired? You may have a hormonal condition…
Disordered Eating
Do you starve yourself or binge when no-one is looking? Food can become a crutch or a phobia. It’s time to regain control.
Women’s Cancers
Reduce your risk of cancer reoccurrence by optimising your diet.
Depression & Stress
Learn how to manage high cortisol levels and comfort eating with the right diet.
Food Intolerances
Low FODMAP, gluten free, dairy free, lactose free…are you confused about what to eat? Let me help you.
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