
Would you be able to last a month without alcohol?

I had a chat to the people behind the well-known organisation of ‘Dry July’ not only about how this initiation started but also how a month without alcohol can positively affect your health.

Would you be able to last a month without alcohol?

I had a chat to the people behind the well-known organisation of ‘Dry July’ not only about how this initiation started but also how a month without alcohol can positively affect your health.

1. For those who haven’t heard of Dry July before, can you tell us a little about the organisation and its goals?

Dry July is a fundraising initiative we launched in 2008 which encourages Australians to go booze-free for a month. The funds help various projects across beneficiary cancer organisations in Australia which directly support the wellbeing of adults living with cancer. With more than 100,000 participants and over $20 million raised, we’re very proud of creating better services and environments for these Aussies and their families.

2. Why do you think Dry July has been so successful?

The Dry July concept came about between a small group of friends back in 2007 when we wanted to see who could last the longest without a beer, while raising money for a good cause. We had Adam Spencer champion the campaign and next then we knew we had raised over $250,000 for The Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick in Sydney.

Eight years later, we have raised over $20 million across Australia and New Zealand for over 40 beneficiaries.

I think the reason people get involved is the sense of achievement they get from going a whole month without alcohol, alongside the fact that it’s all for an important reason. Plus there are so many amazing things you can do with all the time spent hang-over free!

3. What are your 3 tips for surviving Dry July?

To make the most of your Dry July look at making some healthy lifestyle changes in addition giving up alcohol. Make small improvements to your diet and get out and exercise a little bit more, as these will make a big difference by the end of the month.

Plan ahead and try something new! A weekend without a sore head is a great opportunity to explore and challenge yourself.

Remember why you started. It could have been because of the challenge itself, to make healthy lifestyle changes or maybe it was because of the cause. Don’t forget ‘why’ and stay strong!

4. What are the main health benefits you think people gain from participating in Dry July?

You’d be surprised at the benefits of cutting back on alcohol and can even notice the difference within a few days! Our participants can expect increased energy levels, higher productivity, better sleep, inches off the waistline and best of all, 31 days hangover-free.


Check out their fantastic website at https://au.dryjuly.com/