
Is your baby having regular and unexplained crying episodes each day? They may be experiencing a condition known as ‘Colic’. So what is Colic and can some simple changes in your baby’s diet help reduce the symptoms?

Is your baby having regular and unexplained crying episodes each day? They may be experiencing a condition known as ‘Colic’. So what is Colic and can some simple changes in your baby’s diet help reduce the symptoms?

Colic is the medical term for excessive, frequent crying in a baby who appears to be otherwise healthy and well fed. Colic usually begins within the first few weeks of life but often stops by the time the baby is four months old. In most cases, the intense crying occurs in the late afternoon or evening and usually lasts for several hours.

The causes of Colic are unknown, however experts suggest that indigestion, trapped wind or temporary gut sensitivity to some of the substances in breast or formula milk may be involved.

As some of the possible causes are dietary related, Melanie explains in this weeks video how dietary changes can help you manage your babies Colic.